A Simple Bit about Content Marketing

Content marketing is a strategic approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent Content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience and ultimately drive profitable customer action. 

If you are reading this, you are a digital marketer with marketing needs, or maybe you need a re-education on content development and marketing. Uncountable times we hear “content is king” and “content is what makes your business more relevant”. 

As cliché as that might sound for those of us already in the e-commerce world, it is essential and crucial to any online business. For example, 59% of marketers say their content marketing ROI is excellent or very good, helping them increase leads, conversions and brand loyalty. 

Instead of selling or offering your products or services, your Content is what will define that which you are giving. Content represents what type of business you are into and what kind of products or services you offer customers. Content tells your brand story, and that’s why you must do whatever it takes to make it relevant, valuable and worth selling. 

Even Leading Brands Use Content Marketing

Don’t think that you must keep trying hard to get there because your business is not on the top list of leading companies. Brands like Microsoft, Cisco Systems, Pepsi, Airtel, Piggy Bank and many other top brands use content marketing to boost their products and services. 

Why Use Content Marketing for Your Business

Content marketing is cost-saving. It saves you all the extra money and funds you may initially spend on marketing. 

It increases sales. Of course, it does! More Content equals more visibility on Search Engine Result Pages and users’ social media pages. More popularity will lead to an increase in the purchase of your goods and loyal customers. The more they like your products, the more they stay loyal and even refer more customers to you.

Then the most basic of all primary reasons for marketing is profit. Content is a profit centre. More sales, higher purchases and increased customers all lead to profit. 

These are just fundamental reasons to use content marketing. 

Types of Content Marketing

There are many different types of content marketing, including:






Visual Content


Lead magnets


Slide share presentations





Slide decks

Free apps

Social media posts

And many more to use in marketing your business. What you’re reading right now is content marketing. The key is that the Content provides information or entertainment, usually for free, in support of a business goal. 

Yes, we have a goal.

Utilizing Different Types of Content Marketing/Platforms

Now, let’s talk about why you need to use different types of Content Marketing.

The first thing most people would think of when it comes to content marketing is Blogging, which is excellent. But there’s no disagreement that other means of marketing content also work wonderfully.

For instance, podcasts have become widely popular, with episodes and listeners growing to millions. Likewise, YouTube has made its mark in the social media world, growing even better with billions of viewers.

Writing an excellent piece for your blog is good and will have many reads and views plus likes but add your Content to another platform. Having your Content on multiple platforms builds your big kingdom of audiences, and publishing many different things allows you to be everywhere your audience is present online.

For example, someone may not see your article but could be listening to your podcast on his way home. a young lady may find it easier to understand how to create logos by watching a “how to create Logos” video on YouTube than actually reading a 16 pages guideline on how to do that while someone would prefer to read the “details”. Also, some things fit better in specific formats. So, understand the different benefits of the other platforms and learn how to use them. Finally, don’t stick to just one type of content marketing. 

Utilizing the many available content marketing types or platforms will also require you to decide on your content type. Then, find the appropriate format for your Content. For instance, you cannot teach pottery on a podcast. It has to be on video. Likewise, you cannot teach mathematics in just theory; there must be examples with workings and solutions.

Use platforms that your audience already consumes. 

By now, you’re thinking of what kind of Content to create. That is why you need to play around with your strengths! Know what your strengths are, know what you can give your best when developing, give your consumers the best Content they can consume and even come back for more. Then, when you see that what you are doing is going great, you can branch out SLOWLY. Do not make the mistake of venturing to other platforms abruptly because you feel you can do great; instead, slowly, slowlyly, see how it works for you and your audience, check out consumer experiences, analyze and if it works, continue.

Finally, don’t forget about consistency! Always start what you can continue. Don’t chicken out or lazy out midway, especially if your Content is selling. 

Start Marketing Content or Just Carry On

Now that you have read through and understood what Content Marketing is, you can start creating great, irresistible Content and market them to the fantastic world of digital marketing.

We would like you to know that marketing your business online doesn’t have to be so difficult becaue tat is what we do. So why don’t you consult with our digital marketing experts at Raven and Macaw for a long term gains without the pains.

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