Raven & Macaw


You started your business with a  great idea and an expectation to generate revenue over time. Ever since the pandemic, you have noticed a shift in buyer behaviour. It is things like this you did not see coming, now stress and sleepless nights are creeping in, and whenever you check your business account, smiling becomes […]

5 Effective Branding Tips for a Better Company Image

brand building

Do you know that a solid brand is vital to standing in the competitive market? It doesn’t matter whether you are running a giant or small business; your brand is key to how people see you and your business. Your brand is what prospective clients think of you when they hear your company name. our […]

How To Choose The Best Social Media Channels For Your Business

social media

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat and Tiktok… These come to your mind whenever you hear “Social media!” However, there is something new you should know; there will be more than 150 functioning social media channels in 2022. In 2020, it was advised that you should be able to know about 75 social media channels as […]