Raven & Macaw

Email Marketing: Best Practices and Techniques

email marketing techniques

Email Marketing: Best Practices and Techniques   In a digital world filled with the buzz of social media, the instant ping of messaging apps, and an overwhelming array of marketing gadgets, there’s a quiet superhero that refuses to retire: email marketing. The timeless tool empowers businesses, big and small, to forge genuine connections with customers and propel their products or services to the spotlight.   Amidst the ever-evolving digital landscape, email marketing is the powerful force of online communication. Why? Because it boasts a fantastic ability to reach, connect, and convert. But here’s the twist: with inboxes bursting at the seams, the key to success is mastering the art of personalized, attention-grabbing emails.   Picture this: Your message cuts through the inbox clutter, landing in your recipient’s heart. How? By unleashing the secrets of email marketing’s prowess!   The Enduring Relevance of Email Marketing   Before we dive into the nuts and bolts, let’s address a critical question: why is email marketing still relevant in the age of social media dominance? The answer lies in its unique advantages:   Unmatched Reach: Email marketing stands out as the undisputed reach champion in an era where the digital landscape is crowded with various communication channels. With a staggering 4.3 billion email users worldwide, it possesses an expansive and unparalleled reach that no other digital channel can match. To put this number into perspective, it’s nearly half the world’s population. Email marketing’s universal reach connects diverse users worldwide, spanning ages, professions, and cultures.   Personalisation at Scale: Email allows for deep personalisation. You can segment your audience, tailor content, and deliver targeted messages, ensuring your emails resonate with each recipient.   Conversion Powerhouse: Research consistently shows that email marketing has one of the highest conversion rates among digital marketing channels. A well-crafted email can lead to action, whether purchasing, signing up for a webinar, or downloading an ebook.   Cost-Effective: Email marketing is cost-effective compared to many other forms of digital advertising. You can reach thousands of subscribers with a single, well-crafted email.   Email Marketing Best Practices   1- Build a permission-based email list To build a permission-based email list, you need to collect email addresses from people who have permitted you to contact them. You can do this in a number of ways: – Add a sign-up form on your website where people can enter their email addresses to subscribe to your list. Make sure to let them know what they can expect to receive in your emails, such as exclusive offers, discounts, or new product announcements. – Promote your email list on your social media pages and encourage your followers to subscribe. You can also run contests and giveaways where people can enter to win a prize by subscribing to your email list. –  If you own a physical retail store, you can collect email addresses from customers at the checkout counter or by offering them a discount on their next purchase in exchange for their email address.   Once you have collected email addresses, you must send a confirmation email to each subscriber to ensure they want to receive your emails. This email should contain a link the subscriber must click to confirm their subscription.   When a subscriber confirms their subscription, you can send them emails. Send them regular emails with valuable content, such as blog posts, articles, and special offers. You should also give them the option to unsubscribe from your list anytime.   2- Segment your email list This means dividing your email list into smaller groups based on shared characteristics like interests, demographics, or purchase history. This will allow you to send more targeted and relevant emails.   3-Personalise your emails People are likelier to open and read emails addressed to them by name and containing relevant content. You can use personalisation in your subject lines, email body copy, and images. Here is an example of a personalised email-   4-Write clear and concise subject lines Your subject line is the first thing people see, so making a good impression is necessary. Write subject lines that are clear, concise, and relevant to the content of your email. Here are some examples: Exclusive Offer Inside ???? Last Chance to Save 20%! Webinar Invite: Join Us Tomorrow Your Weekly Digest: Top Articles Breaking News: Exciting Updates! Your Invoice #123456 is Due Today Important Account Update Required Unlock Your Free Trial Now! Your Opinion Matters: Take Our Survey 5- Use mobile-friendly email templates More and more people are reading their emails on mobile devices, so using them is significant. Your email templates should be easy to read and navigate on all devices.   6-Include a clear call to action  In email marketing, your message is only as effective as the action it inspires. Whether you have a brick-and-mortar store or an online presence, guiding your subscribers toward a specific course of action is fundamental to success.   Tell your subscribers what you want them to do.   Make your call to action (CTA) crystal clear, concise, and clickable. Use action-oriented words that convey urgency and purpose. Phrases like ‘Shop Now,’ ‘Discover More,’ ‘Grab Your Deal,’ or ‘Register Today’ can nudge your subscribers in the right direction. Craft a compelling and concise CTA with action-oriented words like ‘Shop Now,’ ‘Discover More,’ ‘Grab Your Deal,’ or ‘Register Today.’ A compelling CTA is your bridge to engagement and conversion.   7-Test and track your results Testing and tracking your email marketing results is necessary to see what’s working and what’s not. You can test different subject lines, email body copy, and call to action to see what resonates best with your audience. Effective email marketing is a continuous process of improvement. Monitor key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Use A/B testing to experiment with different elements (subject lines, content, visuals) and refine your strategy based on data-driven insights.   8-Use email automation:  Email automation allows you to send emails to subscribers based on certain triggers, such

New Year, New Resolution

It is 2023, yet you don’t feel ready for the months ahead. If you think of all the obstacles you faced in previous years to Japa go dey hungry you. But you have decided to go hard this year. It is easy to come up with a list of things to do or achieve in the new year, yet the best of us keep recycling them from one year to the next; I say “us” because I have been guilty. A resolution is simply a promise to yourself to do something, ideally with a plan to follow through. The holidays have passed, and now you are focused on what the new year has to offer. It is time for you to aim for the forefront of limitless opportunities. People set new year’s resolutions for different reasons; you might need something to drive you in the new year, provide stability, or plan to become the best version of yourself.  Write and plan your goals in the right frame of mind. What do you want to achieve at the end of the year?  How do you hope to accomplish this?  How can you make this a reality?  All of these questions should be answered honestly, without disregarding the thoughts that come to your mind. It seems difficult to plan for a week in advance, not to talk of a whole year, but it is possible. We have done it.  Your goals don’t have to be complex; you are not writing a new constitution. It could be as simple as; Living within your financial capabilities Establishing a retirement savings strategy Learning a new job skill Working with a digital agency  Spending time more productively “You’ll give yourself your best shot at success if you set a goal that’s doable—and meaningful too.” Jen A. Miller Any day is a good day to make a personal/business resolution. What matters is that you set goals for yourself and stick to them to make long-term positive changes. More than half of all goals fail to be fulfilled; here are some tips to ensure yours don’t fail. Write it: You know what you want to change or achieve in the new year. Mentally noting them is not good enough. You have to take your time and write them down. Write down a time frame for each goal and keep them where you can see them. Be Specific: When writing your goals, it is important to be specific. Writing “I want to run 1000 kilometres in March” when you have never run before is not a concrete goal. Rather, start with an interval for running daily and increase your distance as you get more comfortable. If you run every day, then 1000 kilometres might not be a lot in the long run.  Make realistic goals: You should be able to track and measure your goals. If you want to lose weight, you should have a scale and write down your ideal weight. Keeping a record can help you attain your goals, no matter what they are. Make your goals achievable: This does not mean you shouldn’t dream big. We are here for you, even if you are Oliver Twist. If you have a business that makes less than ten million a year and your new goal is to make more than fifty million, yet you haven’t changed a thing in your organization.  We can’t even help you. You just need prayers. Get support: Make goals relevant to you and not because of someone else. You will be able to keep your goals if you tell other people who are close to you about them. You might be surprised to learn that you and your loved ones share similar goals. Reward yourself: This does not mean that after running 5 Kilometres for a 10 kilometres goal, you should not run for the next three months. Reward yourself with things you enjoy. However, you should not reward yourself with things that contradict your goals.  Give yourself time: Bigger goals will take more time; the timeline you give yourself should be realistic. Give yourself enough time to complete your goals. You can set smaller intermediate goals along the way.  Keep showing up: You mustn’t get discouraged after failing; refocus and go at it again and again till you get it. Just do it.  learn more Our new year resolution is to make all our partners ballers in 2023. You can not be working with us and be under stress. As you aim to reach the forefront of limitless opportunities we would be here to make sure you get there. Make the change your business needs. Get Started.

5 Easy Techniques to find Your Brand Niche

finding your brand niche

It is incredible to bring a business idea to life. However, it can be risky to jump into a new niche. You can follow all your interests and passion and still need to see up to half the results you were expecting. It is of utmost importance to select a niche that you will succeed in. if you are struggling or don’t know which place to jump into, consider your problems solved. Below are five easy techniques to find your brand niche. Know Your Interest and Passion There is a thin line between interest and passion. Don’t go for a niche just because you are interested in it. Instead, ensure it is something you would love to do even in your leisure time without income. Then, if you can picture yourself doing and loving it for five years, you are sure you are passionate. An excellent way to find this is by looking at the fields you have knowledge of and love. However, answering the below questions may also help you determine your passion and interests:         What do you do during your leisure time?         What are your natural skills?         Under what topic do friends and family ask you for assistance?         What are your favourite subjects?         What methodologies do you use for problem-solving? Figure out the Competition Just because you discovered what you are passionate about doesn’t mean you should jump into it without further consideration. Before putting all your time and energy into a new business, you should research how many brands are already in it. Your ideas may be excellent, but how many brands have similar ideas already? Extensive keyword research related to your niche is an excellent way to determine the market competition. A few critical signs from competitors may give you the green light to join a specific place. These include:         If competitors are creating poor/low-quality content         Low transparency.         Absence of paid competition on high-volume keywords. Find out Customer Problems and Desires Now you know what you are interested in, you know the market competition, think of the problems the customers are facing and find potential ways your interest and passion can solve these problems. It is an excellent strategy to research your potential clients and learn about their issues and buying behaviours. This will make you understand the market better and see possible ways to fix the gaps your competitors still need to. Remember, your business can only be profitable if you can solve individuals’ needs. What is the Profit? With your new ideas and strategies, knowing what you should expect at the end of the day is good. So research on top or similar products/services in your niche. Find customer demographics, interests and value, locations, product quality and average price. If you are still looking for an existing offer, there is a probability that no one has monetised the niche, which is a negative sign. However, getting a reasonable number is an excellent sign to proceed to the final point. Test Your Ideas Testing your products/services/ideas is the final phase. It, in real-time, will show you whether you are on track. A website is vital for every business. Start with a landing page for a specific niche. You can also go for paid ads that direct people to the page. Know if people are willing to patronise you. Not getting any sales for this doesn’t mean it is not the right niche for you. So look at it again, and find ways to improve the looks.  Raven and Macaw is just a click away if you want to improve your website. Contact us for digital solutions that keep you on the winning side.

5 Effective Branding Tips for a Better Company Image

brand building

Do you know that a solid brand is vital to standing in the competitive market? It doesn’t matter whether you are running a giant or small business; your brand is key to how people see you and your business. Your brand is what prospective clients think of you when they hear your company name. our name. It displays your values and builds your presence in your industry. At some point, your brand is everything the prospective clients think and know about you. Even for small businesses with little budget, a strong brand can create strong and healthy relationships with the audience.   You must know the industry and what you want to achieve to brand your business successfully. Below are five essential branding steps you should consider for a better company image. Create A Mission Statement A mission statement is a brief on your goals and core values. It is primarily, at most, two sentences and should entail three core points. These are: State what is valuable to you Define your market Elucidate the bearings your company will follow. The mission statement should clarify any option your business comes up with. Alter Your Brand From Competitors To do this, ask yourself, “Why should customers choose you over others?” Is it for your extreme knowledge? Product uniqueness? Or affordability? Educating your brand is vital. Among the key ways to be successful for small businesses is by clarifying what differentiates you from competitors that have been in the industry before you. A Logo That Connects

How To Choose The Best Social Media Channels For Your Business

social media

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat and Tiktok… These come to your mind whenever you hear “Social media!” However, there is something new you should know; there will be more than 150 functioning social media channels in 2022. In 2020, it was advised that you should be able to know about 75 social media channels as a company owner. But then, understanding them is just one thing; more important is “which one do you start with?” and “which one is best for business.” There are a lot of social media channels out there, and it can be tough to decide which ones are right for your business. You want to choose the channels that will give you the most reach and engagement with your target audience. There are a few things you can do to help you choose the best social media channels for your business. First, look at your target audience and see where they are most active. If they’re on Facebook, that’s probably a good channel for you to be on. If they’re on Twitter, then that’s another channel you should consider. You can also look at your competitors to see which channels they’re using and how they’re using them. You wouldn’t want to open a social media channel and shut it down after realising it is not the right one for your business. So whether you are just starting or want to expand your social media channels, below are some questions you should answer to kick you off to a good start. What Business are You Running? First things first! What business are you running? This is important because the type of business you run can decide the content you produce, which will further determine which social media channel best suits your business. Look at your brand persona, products or services, and business type; these should influence your platform choice. Individuals should consider LinkedIn before any other. However, this doesn’t mean you should stick to LinkedIn. Every business has so much to profit from every social media forum. Why are You on Social Media? The initial cause you want to join social media can impact which channel you join. For instance, many channels will work fine if you are in it for striking images and videos of your products/services. Also, many channels will work fine f you are in it for client consent. Where is Your Target Audience? This is among the most crucial questions. If your audience is not on a particular platform, there is no reason to bounce into it. For example, it is comprehended that Facebook has the most active users. However, your audience may be less on Facebook based on your business. This leads to the next question. What Type of Content are You Creating? Different content works better on other platforms. So, knowing the social media channel that suits your business the most is crucial. For example,  short video content that targets young audiences should be more on Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat. However, if the videos are a bit longer and more mature, there are no better platforms than Twitter and Facebook. In addition, Pinterest is the best for promoting photo-based content for B2C. Where are Your Competitors Hanging? This is not only a step to decide which channel you should go for but also a step that significantly impacts setting up your social media strategy. There are three things to look into under this. First, what platforms are they using? Second, which platform is working best for them? And lastly, what is the number of engagements for each forum? Checking your competitors and what works best for them is helpful, not because you should do exactly what they do and how they do it, but because it gives you an idea of where to start and know what you should do better. Every social media channel needs time and devotion. So the last question you should ask yourself is, “do you have all the necessary resources before opening a new social media channel?” Once you add a new social media channel for your business, try and make content that communicates with the platform’s audience. Having several social media channels doesn’t mean you must publish exact content through all platforms. There are a lot of social media channels out there, and it can be overwhelming to try to figure out which ones are right for your business. However, by taking the time to research and figure out which channels your target market is using, you can narrow down your options and choose the best channels for your business. Once you’ve chosen your channels, stay active and engaged with your audience to build relationships and grow your business.