5 Free Websites You Can Get Content Ideas

Every content creator’s dream is to keep up with the trend and make unique content that everyone would love to click on. However, creating content ideas can be more work than creating or writing them. Sometimes, you can have a top-notch idea, but your audience may need help finding it.

The most important thing to do is look for fantastic content ideas. There are several ways to get engaging content ideas, most of which are paid. What if we tell you there are websites where you can call/generate content ideas for absolutely free?

Below are five free websites you can get content ideas:

Answer The Public

This website has answers to almost all your keyword ideas. It allows you to input up to three keywords, and the website will provide you with several topics and questions related to your search.

In addition, it also provides you with some analysis of how many searches the keyword and all related topics have. This is important because it gives you an idea of the competition and your ability to rank.

There is a tab on the website that displays a variety of trending topics on the web. This can be very useful if you want to stay updated with content and topic ideas that are making waves in your niche.

As a content creator, Answerthepublic can help you develop blog topic ideas, generate topic ideas for social media posts, generate survey and quiz ideas and plan a marketing campaign.


Are you a visual designer? Whether video editing or graphics design, Canva is a dream come true for most designers. This online tool has thousands of video slides and graphics templates you can select from, over a thousand pictures you can add to your design, and edit it to your taste with so many colours, shapes and more.

Canva has templates not only for visual designs but also include blogs and resumé templates. It is free to use canva. However, there is a premium version you can subscribe to for more features.

Sometimes you may not need the exact template from canva, but by seeing it, you can have an idea of what you should create next.

-6 Easy-to-use Graphic Design Tools-


You can’t talk about content ideas without mentioning the almighty Quora. This is a website where thousands of users ask questions and others provide answers. Quora is a good option for content ideas because you will know what many people are asking; some questions may not be answered, giving you a chance to provide answers through your content.

Quora also has sections for specific, trending topics and questions that haven’t been answered. For example, to locate unanswered questions from “Homepage”, search for a keyword. Then, scroll down, and you should see a “Question tab” click on it, and all the unanswered questions will appear.


This is a tool that provides keyword trends. It can assist you in finding suitable keywords. After searching for a key, it displays how many searches (per month, the cost-per-click, and the competition level. Through this, you can decide whether to continue with content.

Ubersuggest also identifies how well content is going on Facebook and Pinterest. It also gives you various content links, not only showing you how popular they are.


With Buzzsumo, you see the most popular topics/content on every SM platform. You can also see the topics working well for others in your niche. By that, you can know which content to create and its competition.

Buzzsumo works with keywords that suit you. Any keyword you type provides details, including the website that shared it.

Content is the bread and butter of every website. You won’t have a successful website if you don’t have great content. However, coming up with fresh, new ideas for content can be difficult and time-consuming. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 5 great websites you can use to get content ideas for free. To ensure you never miss an update or trend in digital marketing, follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter

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